I'm trying to write a stored procedure to copy a subset of data from one set of tables to an identical set of tables in a different database. The "source" database needs to be a parameter to the stored procedure.
I've struggled with this for two days now, and I thought I had a good solution:
- Validate that the schemas are the same.
- Create temporary "rmt" synonyms for the source tables using dynamic SQL.
- Copy the data using INSERT INTO A SELECT * FROM rmtA WHERE <criteria>
- Delete the synonyms.
This works pretty well for most tables, but for tables that contain an identity column, I'm forced not only to SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON & OFF, but even worse, I can't use SELECT *; I have to specify all the columns explicitly. This will be a nightmare if I add or delete columns later.
I've gotta get something out the door, so I'm going with this solution for now, but I'd like to think that there's a better solution out there somewhere.