Sure, why not? You can use flat files in inaccessible directory (protected by .htaccess or out of the www root) and use that as a database.
Here's a simple login class I've whipped up:
class SimpleLogin {
private $users;
private $db = './pass.txt';
function __construct() {
$data = file_get_contents($this->db);
if (!$data) {
die('Can\'t open db');
} else {
$this->users = unserialize($data);
function save() {
if (file_put_contents($this->db, serialize($this->users)) === false)
die('Couldn\'t save data');
function authenticate($user, $password) {
return $this->users[$user] == $this->hash($password);
function addUser($user, $password) {
$this->users[$user] = $this->hash($password);
function removeUser($user) {
function userExists($user) {
return array_key_exists($user, $this->users);
function userList() {
return array_keys($this->users);
// you can change the hash function and salt here
function hash($password) {
$salt = 'jafo2ijr02jfsau02!)U(jf';
return sha1($password . $salt);
NOTE: You really should turn off error reporting if you are going to use this in an actual server. This can be done by calling error_reporting() or by adding '@' in front of file_get_contents
and file_put_contents
(ie: so it turns into @file_get_contents
Usage example: