



I have two <div> elements:

<div id="hidden"> 

<div id="hideitem">
<input id="item5" type="radio" class="item" name="item" value="gen"/>General Function

I set <div id="hidden"> to display:none. I want it to show when the radio button is clicked:

$("#item5").click(function() {

But how can I hide <div id="hideitem"> after <div id="hidden"> is shown?

+1  A: 

Hi! maybe you can just do something like this:



You should be able to just hide it:

+2  A: 

Like most jQuery fx methods, .show() has a optional parameter where you can serve a callback function. The function you pass there is executed after the fx effect has finished.

$('#hidden').show('fast', function(){

That would pass an anonymous function as parameter, which is called after the effect. It just hides the #hideitem object then. You'll notice that I've added an additional parameter 'fast'. That is the duration jQuery uses to execute the fadeout (can also be a number in ms). It really only makes sense to use it like this, because otherwise, .show() will just set the display property to block. Without a duration we have no delay. So a callback function for that would get invoked immediately.

If you want to show and hide that elements simultaneously just call both


To make this function so that keep switching div's use a toggle statement

$('#hidden').toggle('fast', function(){