I have a process that starts a transaction, inserts a record into Table1, and then calls a long running web service (up to 30 seconds). If the web service call fails then the insert is rolled back (which is what we want). Here is an example of the insert (it is actually multiple inserts into multiple tables but I am simplifying for this question):
INSERT INTO Table1 (UserId, StatusTypeId) VALUES (@UserId, 1)
I have a second process that queries Table1 from the first step like this:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Table1 WHERE StatusTypeId=2
and then updates that row for a user. When process 1 is running, Table1 is locked so process 2 will not complete until process 1 finishes which is a problem because a long delay is introduced while process 1 finishes its web service call.
Process 1 will only ever insert a StatusTypeId of 1 and it is also the only operation that inserts into Table1. Process 2 will only query on StatusTypeId = 2. I want to tell Process 2 to ignore any inserts into Table1 but lock the row that it selects. The default isolation level for Process 2 is waiting on too much but I have a fear that IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted allows reading of too much dirty data. I do not want two users running Process 2 and then accidentally getting the same row.
Is there a different IsolationLevel to use other than ReadUncommitted that says ignore inserted rows but make sure the select locks the row that is selected?