The idea is that an existing project uses timeGetTime() (for windows targets) quite frequently.
milliseconds = timeGetTime();
Now, this could be replaced with
double tmp = (double) lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart/ lpFrequency.QuadPart;
milliseconds = rint(tmp * 1000);
with lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart and lpFrequency.QuadPart being taken from the use of a single call to QueryPerformanceCounter() and QueryPerformanceFrequency().
I know Windows' internals are kind of voodoo, but can someone decipher which of the two is more accurate or/and has more overheads?
I suspect accuracy might be same but QueryPerformanceCounter might have less overheads. But I have no hard data to back it up.
Of course I wouldn't be surprised if the opposite is true.
If overheads are tiny in any way I would be more interested on whether there's any difference in accuracy.