This code generates a Listview with a grid, of multiple name and emails inside TextBox control. I would like to know how can I capture the focus event on one of the TextBox of a row to have the entire ListView row to be selected.
<ListView Name="lstRecipients" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Recipients}">
<DataTemplate x:Key="tbNameTemplate">
<TextBox Name="tbName" Text="{Binding Path=Username, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="tbEmailTemplate">
<TextBox Name="tbEmail" Text="{Binding Path=Email, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"/>
<GridView x:Name="gvRecipients">
<GridViewColumn Header="Name" CellTemplate="{StaticResource tbNameTemplate}"/>
<GridViewColumn Header="Email" CellTemplate="{StaticResource tbEmailTemplate}"/>