(I use the term "asynchronously" loosely in the subject)
I've been using the below code for a while to save initial session context info to the DB such as affiliate details for later tracking. I've suggested others to use this concept to speed up some of their processes but i'd hate to be suggesting something that is potentially dangerous.
I'd like to know if this is acceptable or are there some threading issues i'll be causing later down the road on peak traffic times?
new Thread(() => {
//All my logic for saving info to DB
{ Name = "My long running page process", IsBackground = true, Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal }.Start();
Thanks! After David Basarab's answer, I think this will be my new method:
Action someLongProcess = () =>
// You DB Work
someLongProcess.BeginInvoke((x) => {
// It is now done you can do something
}, null);