Configured vim and gvim on Windows, as well as vim and macvim on OSX. Intend to learn rails 3, so installed rails 3 rc on both OS'ses. So far, so good.
When using macvim, each and every script execution offered by rails.vim gives me errors "Uninitialized constant Bundler (NameError)". Tried :Rserver, :Rgenerate, .... However, staying on OSX, when firing up vim from a terminal window, rails.vim runs just fine, as well as execution of the rails script from the terminal directly.
So somewhere, somehow my macvim configuration seems to mess things up. However, unless I'm mistaken, it simply uses the settings from the .vimrc and .gvimrc files. Now, the .gvimrc is really minimalistic, so I might just as well add it here:
set guifont=Inconsolata:h17 " Font family and font size. set antialias " MacVim: smooth fonts. set encoding=utf-8 " Use UTF-8 everywhere. set guioptions-=T " Hide toolbar. " set background=light " Background. set lines=40 columns=100 " Window dimensions.
set guioptions-=r " Don't show right scrollbar
Any suggestion on how to solve this would be appreciated.