




I whant to make a web interface on a server that will manage a few dns servers on another servers.

How can i remotely manage a bind dns server programmaticly ?

  • I would like to add/edit/delete zones.
  • I see that there is rndc but that only allows reloading of zones and not adding/deleting.
  • I could NFS mount zones from dns servers and edit them but is there a better way?

You could set up something that does remote SSH commands? That may be a bit insecure, though, unless the server running the commands themselves is pre-authenticated with an SSH key, and that's the only way you can access the server.

+4  A: 

If there isn't a hard requirement on writing something like this from scratch, why not simply use an already existing interface without having to reinvent the wheel? A simple Google search for the keywords bind dns web interface yields an entire list of good open source projects in the very first result link.

Mihai Limbășan
yes but don't those software require that bind runs on the same server as the software?
Not all. mysqlBind doesn't require it. It was mentioned on the very first result page.
Mihai Limbășan
Yeah, don't reinvent the wheel. Good answer!
+1 for looking for existing software.
One question about the mysqlbind will it hit the database for each request or only on reload it reads the zones and the caches them?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you're asking whether any DNS lookup will cause a MySQL database hit, then no, of course not - unless you've built your nameserver with a MySQL backend, in which case you'd incur that hit anyway, without needing mysqlBind :)
Mihai Limbășan
Great, thanks. That's what I was referring to. Sorry I wasn't clear. I think I'll go with PostgreSQL-BIND instead of mysql one though. Thanks again.
Sure, just use whatever you're most familiar with - but please test the hell out of it first :).
Mihai Limbășan
+2  A: 

There is work at the IETF to define a standard for remote control of name servers based on the Netconf framework. See:

The requirements include the ability to add/remove zones, etc.
