Hi, this is an interesting question. Definitely you have to take in consideration performance targets here. If you wan't to go for speed, int is a must. A Database can index integers a bit better than Strings although I must say its not at all a bad performance loss.
On example is Oracle database itself where they have the luxury of doing large caps enum as strings on their system tables. Things like USER_ALLOCATION_TYPE or things like that are the norm. Its like you say, Strings can be more "extensible" and more readable, but in any case in the code you will end up with:
in place of
Static final int USER_ALLOCATION_TYPE=5;
Because you either do this you will end up with all this string literals that are just aching for someone to go there and misplace a char! :)
In my company we use tables with integers primary keys; all the tables have a serial primary key, because even if you don't think you need one, sooner or later you'll regret that.
In the case you are describing what we do is that we have a table with (PK Int, Description String) and then we do Views over the master tables with joins to get the descriptions, that way we get to see the joined fields descriptions if we must and we keep the performance up.
Also, with a separate description table you can have EXTRA information about those ids you would never think about. For example, lets say a user can have access to some fields in the combo box if and only if they have such property and so. You could use extra fields in the description table to store that in place of ad-hoc code.
My two cents.