
I had something similar once. You might want to make sure the test machine has the ReportViewer dll installed in the GAC. Microsoft has created an installer to make this easier.

Question: Are you using Reporting Services in local mode with a report viewer control inside winforms?

Mark Struzinski
No, I'm not using report viewer control because it doesn't have translation to my clients' language.i'm printing directly to file using solution from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms252091.aspx

The vs2008 designer for reports and report viewer are not backwards compatible with 2.0. In the same way you cannot design 2005 reports with vs2008 - that may be your issue.


My installer copies all required dlls




to ProgramFiles/myAppname folder.

It works perfectly on Vista/XP but the issue is at Win98. I'll try to install these dll's at GAC, maybe that's a problem. I'm trying to avoid running extra installers inside my installer.


if that's true, then it's really stupid. do you know any simple & free report engine for .net 2.0?

The problem is that the RDL spec between 2005 and 2008 changed and the Tablix was introduced. It may be possible but I have not had any luck.