what do I need to use XSLT 2.0 with Delphi(win32)? At the moment I use MSXML6 for all my xml transformation. But MSXML6 has no support for XSLT 2.0.
The solution (by ErvinS)
Using the AltovaXML library. After installation you have to import the AltovXML typelibrary. Then you can use a source like this:
procedure TfrmMainAltovaXmlDemo.btnTransformClick(Sender: TObject);
xmlApp: AltovaXMLLib_TLB.Application;
xslt2: AltovaXMLLib_TLB.XSLT2;
xmlApp := AltovaXMLLib_TLB.CoApplication.Create;
xslt2 := xmlApp.XSLT2;
xslt2.InputXMLFromText := FInputXml;
xslt2.XSLFromText := FXslSource;
FOutputXML := xslt2.ExecuteAndGetResultAsString;