I have a MYSQL table that is 1275 fields wide. Each row in the table represents a single class of students, with 17 fields per student, X up to 75 students per class, so 17 X 75 = 1275 fields.
I have devised an SQL UNION query that successfully pulls the students into another table, with each student on a single row.
Now, I want to use this UNION query as part of a PHP program. I have "imported" the query into PHP as it is. But, isn't there a way to use PHP to shorten the SQL query? Shamelessly, here is my code:
$sql = "
SELECT localcourse
, statecourse
, coursetitle
, semester
, section
, teachercode
, teachername
, meetingcode
, classpop
, student_id_01 AS student_id
, sex_01 AS sex
, dob_01 AS dob
, grade_01 AS grade
, ethnic_01 AS ethnic
, last_name_01 AS last_name
, first_name_01 AS first_name
, $c_sch AS sch_code
FROM $t_mem1
SELECT localcourse
, statecourse
, coursetitle
, semester
, section
, teachercode
, teachername
, meetingcode
, classpop
, student_id_02 AS student_id
, sex_02 AS sex
, dob_02 AS dob
, grade_02 AS grade
, ethnic_02 AS ethnic
, last_name_02 AS last_name
, first_name_02 AS first_name
, $c_sch AS sch_code
FROM $t_mem1
SELECT localcourse
, statecourse
, coursetitle
, teachername
, meetingcode
, classpop
, student_id_75 AS student_id
, sex_75 AS sex
, dob_75 AS dob
, grade_75 AS grade
, ethnic_75 AS ethnic
, last_name_75 AS last_name
, first_name_75 AS first_name
, $c_sch AS sch_code
FROM $t_mem1
BY localcourse
, statecourse
, semester
, section
, teachername
, meetingcode
, last_name
, first_name" ;