i'm a little lost in the timezone :)
I have data stored with the time in UTC. The server is in the Netherlands, so we live in utc+1 (now, with daylightsavingtime, in utc + 2)
Now a client says: give me the data from august 5th.
So i have to calculate the utc time from 'his time'. For that i have to know:
what is your utc offset (we stored that in his profile, let's say utc -6) are you in daylightsavingtime (because then we have to add +1 and make the utc offset -5)
Then my questions:
Can i ask the .Net framework: does country XX have daylightsavingtime?
Can i ask the .Net framework: is 08-05-2010T00:00:00 in country XXX daylightsavingtime at that moment?
i've been trying the .ToLocalTime(), but this only gives me the local time at the server, and that's not what i want, i want to calculate with the timezone of the user, and also with the fact that at that particular point in time, if he/she is in daylightsavingtime
I've also seen this VB example:
TimeZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Europe Standard Time")
Dim Dated As DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(TempDate, TimeZone)
but imho this doesn't take into account that the user in this timezone is or is not in a daylightsavingtime (dst) country. For instance, one user in this timezone is in the netherlands having dst, and one other is in another country which has no dst.