



am using c# vs-2005

am trying to setup & deployment of project and did it very simple by adding assembly and prerequesite of the project on setup properties.

but i want to deploy it by professionally like to first read bios of user system and detect the HDD serial. after detaction of HDD Serial i want to generate my own key to allow user to do the setup.

Narration :- " I want to run my application on specific HDD. For new HDD user Shoul Contect Me"

suggest me proper way or any proper coding will be highly appreciated.

+1  A: 

There are an number of software licensing/activation systems available, we use Nalpeiron and have come across so many issues with various system configurations, that I wouldn't dream of trying to develop something like this yourself.

Primarily we use it for online activation, but you can do USB key dongle, phone, email, etc. depending on your exact requirements.

@sascha thx sir for ur feedback, but sir is it possible or not to read bios system specifically HDD in c# if yes then guid me.
Sorry, I don't program in .NET