I want to implement roles and permissions on a web app we have created and I am looking at using System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider to implement this. My problem is that each client will want to be able to configure who can and cannot perform actions in the system and no two clients will want the same, so creating basic Admin, User, Manager roles to cover all won't suffice.
What I am proposing to do for each screen is create roles as follows
Screen1Create, Screen1Update, Screen1Delete, Screen1Read
Screen2Create, Screen2Update, Screen2Delete, Screen2Read
and so on.
I would then allow the client to select the roles per user, which would be stored in a cookie when the user logs in.
I could then read the cookie and use user.isinrole to check if each method can be called by the current user.
I realise there is a size constraint with cookies that I need to be aware of. Apart form that, does this sound feasable, is there as better way to do it?
Many thanks for any input.