



Hi all,

I am using VS 2008 WCF to create a sample service. The problem is the request and response has lots of information like encoded string, codes, uuid and so on. when i tried the same source code on VS 2010 WCF it is like clean and does not have any special data like this. what could be wrong ? what should i change in my project settings to get a clear output without encryption stuff

Below is the actual xml request/response got when used on a WCF client of VC 2008

Request on VS 2008:

    <s:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:s=""&gt;
        <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">;/a:Action&gt;
        <ValidateUserForLogin xmlns=""&gt;

Response of 2008:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:u=""&gt;
    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1" u:Id="_2">;/a:Action&gt;
    <a:RelatesTo u:Id="_3">urn:uuid:9e6a188f-008b-40c4-8779-5ac4cc93cd06</a:RelatesTo>
    <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""&gt;
      <u:Timestamp u:Id="uuid-c17c9a6a-92d3-430e-8034-ced269528280-11">
      <c:DerivedKeyToken u:Id="uuid-c17c9a6a-92d3-430e-8034-ced269528280-7" xmlns:c=""&gt;
          <o:Reference URI="urn:uuid:1aa74b41-0c7d-485e-97ab-9a721bce5a48" ValueType="" />
      <c:DerivedKeyToken u:Id="uuid-c17c9a6a-92d3-430e-8034-ced269528280-8" xmlns:c=""&gt;
          <o:Reference URI="urn:uuid:1aa74b41-0c7d-485e-97ab-9a721bce5a48" ValueType="" />
      <e:ReferenceList xmlns:e=""&gt;
        <e:DataReference URI="#_1" />
        <e:DataReference URI="#_4" />
      <e:EncryptedData Id="_4" Type="" xmlns:e=""&gt;
        <e:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
        <KeyInfo xmlns=""&gt;
            <o:Reference ValueType="" URI="#uuid-c17c9a6a-92d3-430e-8034-ced269528280-8" />
  <s:Body u:Id="_0">
    <ValidateUserForLoginResponse xmlns=""&gt;