




I have the following code in WCF service to throw a custom fault based on certain situations. I am getting a "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason" exception. What am I doing wrong?

//source code
    InvalidRoutingCodeFault fault = new InvalidRoutingCodeFault("Invalid Routing Code - No Approval Started");
    throw new FaultException<InvalidRoutingCodeFault>(fault);

//operation contract
bool MyMethod();

//data contract
public class InvalidRoutingCodeFault
    private string m_ErrorMessage = string.Empty;

    public InvalidRoutingCodeFault(string message)
        this.m_ErrorMessage = message;

    public string ErrorMessage
        get { return this.m_ErrorMessage; }
        set { this.m_ErrorMessage = value; }

You might try this in the server config (behaviors -> serviceBehaviors -> behavior):

<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
Chris Porter
I have that set to true in my config file.
Michael Kniskern
Ok, I thought it was likely a more complicated issue than that, but I always want to check the basics. I'm glad you found a solution!!
Chris Porter
+7  A: 

After some addtional research, the following modified code worked:

    InvalidRoutingCodeFault fault = new InvalidRoutingCodeFault("Invalid Routing Code - No Approval Started");    
    throw new FaultException<InvalidRoutingCodeFault>(fault, new FaultReason("Invalid Routing Code - No Approval Started"));
Michael Kniskern
Isn't it because your fault doesn't inherit from Exception?

One can also encounter this exception if one does not specify the FaultContract(typeof(className)) attribute for the method

Rashmi Pandit
+3  A: 

serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" is NOT the solution The following code works even with serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"

// data contract

public class FormatFault
    private string additionalDetails;

    public string AdditionalDetails
        get { return additionalDetails; }
        set { additionalDetails = value; }

// interface method declaration

    void DoWork2();

// service method implementation

    public void DoWork2()
            int i = int.Parse("Abcd");
        catch (FormatException ex)
            FormatFault fault = new FormatFault();
            fault.AdditionalDetails = ex.Message;
            throw new FaultException<FormatFault>(fault);

// client calling code

    private static void InvokeWCF2()
        ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient();

        catch (FaultException<FormatFault> e)
            // This is a strongly typed try catch instead of the weakly typed where we need to do -- if (e.Code.Name == "Format_Error")
            Console.WriteLine("Handling format exception: " + e.Detail.AdditionalDetails);   

There is no need to add fault reason if its not required. Just make sure the FaultContract attribute is correct

Rashmi Pandit

By using strongly typed try catch, I was able get around with the error "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason".


I have code exactly like Rashmi has and I got the "The creator of this fault...." error. It was happening when I was debugging in VS2010. I found this post:


which explained a couple of debugging options that I needed to turn off. Problem solved.


You can also get this error. if the service is encountering an unexpected error other than the Faults that one has mentioned in the Service Contracts. A generic Fault contract of Type Service Fault can handle this.

Dinesh Menon

If you do not want to be notified of such exceptions go to Debug -> Exceptions and uncheck "User-unhandled" for "Common Language Runtime Exceptions" or for specific exceptions.

sandeep patil

I solved this problem using a two parameter constructer.

// service method implementation

throw new FaultException(fault,new FaultReason(fault.CustomFaultMassage));

CustomFaultMassage is property from data contract.


Updating the service reference in the client solved the problem. Same could work for you.
