A template report with extension *.docm will be shown to user, he will modify it, and when he click the save button. I want to write the modified the document as accessionID.docm at the specified folder. What must be the object FileFormat = ??
private void btnSaveDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (m_docFileName == ReportWrite.m_templateReport)
m_docFileName = ReportWrite.m_accessionId.ToString();
object FileName = RIS_CLIENT.Properties.Settings.Default.DownloadPath + "\\" + m_docFileName;
object FileFormat = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatRTF;
object LockComments = false;
object AddToRecentFiles = false;
object ReadOnlyRecommended = false;
object EmbedTrueTypeFonts = false;
object SaveNativePictureFormat = true;
object SaveFormsData = false;
object SaveAsAOCELetter = false;
object missing = false;
ref FileName,
ref FileFormat,
ref LockComments,
ref missing,
ref AddToRecentFiles,
ref missing,
ref ReadOnlyRecommended,
ref EmbedTrueTypeFonts,
ref SaveNativePictureFormat,
ref SaveFormsData,
ref SaveAsAOCELetter);