I would like to have an offline ClickOnce application (they can run it from Start menu) but I would like my application to function similar to an online one (make sure the web page / server is there to run). This way I can take off (uninstall) a ClickOnce application and it will stop working for end users without having to go to 1000's of desktops. This is for an internal corporate environment, so we have total control over the servers, end clients, etc.
There are a lot of clients out there world wide essentially I would like to give them a message like "This applications functionality has been moved to XXX application, please use it instead." Or "This application has been retired." If I could get the install folder url from code, I could have a message.xml file sitting in that directory that would have some logical tags in it for accomplishing this. If that message isn't there (server offline) I could have the application fail gracefully and instruct the user to contact their local IT for assistance.
If you have another idea for accomplishing this same thing, would be appreciated as well.