If I understood your comment correctly, you either want to draw an image onto a canvas, or convert it to vector data and then draw that on the canvas.
Drawing an image on a canvas
This is by far the simplest solution. Converting raster images to vector data is a complicated process involving advanced algorithms, and still it's not perfect.
Rendering an image on a canvas is actually very simple:
// Get the canvas element on the page (<canvas id="canvas"> in the HTML)
var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
// Create a new image object which will hold the image data that you want to
// render.
var img = new Image();
// Use the onload event to make the code in the function execute when the image
// has finished loading.
img.onload = function () {
// You can use all standard canvas operations, of course. In this case, the
// rotate function to rotate the image 45 degrees.
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 4);
// Draw image at (0, 0)
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Tell the image object to load an image.
img.src = 'my_image.png';
Converting a raster image to vector data
This is a complicated process, so I won't give you the whole walkthrough. First of all, you can give up on trying to implement this yourself right now, because it requires a lot of work. However, there are applications and services that do this for you:
Works great, but you will have to pay for most of the functionality
A good list of applications that can do this for you
After this, you can store the vector data as SVG and use the SVG rendering that some browsers have, or a library such as SVGCanvas to render SVG onto a canvas. You can probably use that library to convert the resulting image to a list of context operations instead of converting from SVG every time.