



I've used many of the diff tools listed here. What I haven't found is one that has good reporting tools. The changes to our software baseline that will be reviewed at a change control board. I am looking for a diff tool that will produce a report of differences that can be viewed by the review team using a common file format (pdf/word/html/etc). I'd like a report that looks similar to what I see when I use a visual tool like WinMerge or BeyondCompare. The standard diff output just seems to confuse my manager.

I'd like to see something like this (without having to generate a screenshot):


Not this:

< #define A(h,c)h[c&7]+=c,h[3]|=c;
> #define A(h,c)h[c&7]+=c,h[3]|=c
< if(v=v&v*4&v<<4&v<<6&v<<8){t+=4;a=v&=~(v/4);}
< else if(t)for(i=(h[i]&63)/(i?i:8);i-->5;)v=a&=a-1;
> if(v=v&v<<2&v<<4&v<<6&v<<8){t+=4;a=v&=~(v/2);}
> else if(t)for(i=(h[i]&63)/(i?i:8),v=a;i-->5;)a&=a-1;
+3  A: 

BeyondCompare - the only recommendation I will give to anyone. And it's visual is much intuitive than having angular brackets.

They have one nice feature of Reports - export to HTML the current difference view. Refer at the end of this page: layout of HTML report

alt text

Ankit Jain
Thanks. Didn't realize this was there. It's working fine.
One time I have seen this tool uses by lawyer (compare two different editions of same agreement). Great tool!