I apologize if this is a duplicate question but it's kind of hard to fiddle through all the datepicker requests..
I'm basically looking to implement this:
I'm not really familiar with using datepicker other than a trivial setup. Has anyone had to implement this before, and if so how did you set it up to handle both arrive/depart textfields?
Misc questions:
- Did you have to have to separate instances of the datepicker?
- Any weird gotchas? Or is it easy with the configuration options?
Functionality notes:
- By default, the textfields will be blank.
- If you click into the arrival, the calendar will popup
- After selecting the arrival date from the calendar, it needs to auto focus to the departure so the calendar has to stay in-place.
- The calendar needs to go away if you click out
I'd appreciate any insight, you don't have to necessarily provide me with a fully working demo or anything.