INSERT INTO tblprofile (fldDate,fldemployeeno,fldLName,fldFName,fldMI,fldEmployeeName,
SELECT now(),tblprofile.fldemployeeno,tblprofile.fldlname,tblprofile.fldfname,tblprofile.fldmi,tblprofile.fldemployeename,
FROM tblprofile
WHERE tblprofile.flddate = (SELECT MAX(flddate) FROM tblprofile p
WHERE p.fldemployeeno IN ('EMP0001','EMP0002','EMP0003','EMP0004','EMP0005'))
AND tblprofile.fldemployeeno IN
I want to copy all current profile of all employees in a list ('EMP0001','EMP0002','EMP0003','EMP0004','EMP0005') and it seems that in my query it only insert one (1) rows..
In short, I want to try to copy all current profile of the employee from tblprofile in just one execution? Can anyone help me to do that so..