I'm trying to use a generic list as a property of the users profile. I'll admit this is probably just making my life harder than it needs to be but I don't want to change the programming model just because the data store struggles.
I have this in my web.config
<add name="AListProperty" type="System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32]]"/>
<add name="AnotherListProperty" type="System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[MyNamespace.Web.UI.MyReallySimpleClass]]">
The first property, "AListProperty" works fine. The second one throws a variety of exceptions depending on how I delcare it in the web.config. MyReallySimpleClass is public, serializable and consists of 2 public fields (at present)
So, my questions are 1. Does anyone know where the format for declaring these types in the web.config is documented. 2. What I'm doing wrong? It looks fine, I can't see any semantic difference between the two declarations.