





I don't have any video experience, so my searches on this weren't productive. There might be software out there that does exactly what I need but I couldn't find. I think I'll have to develop something, though, in which case I'm platform and language agnostic as this is a fun project, though I do have experience in .NET. I appreciate any suggestions / pointers / etc.

I'll have a video of some length (maybe separated into multiple files). It'll be about 12 hours or 24 hours long. I want to play it back, full-screen and unattended (like kiosk mode, but that's not necessary as the machine will be protected), and have the video regularly sync to the system clock. I imagine video can have bookmarks or some sort of index for this. And this has to loop for at least several days while staying sync'ed.

I guess I could make sure that I have a video that's exactly 12 (or 24) hours long, sync the start, and just run it on loop. But I fear that that's not ideal due to large file sizes and the possibility for a few seconds of slow-down here and there meaning several minutes of unsyncedness after a few days.

I think the ideal situation is a longer video with occasional bookmarks. And the bookmark would link to a clock time. And when the app came across the clock time it would either speed up or slow down to the bookmark. It'd be like a long-distance train. If it's running late it'll speed up a bit for a few stops to catch up. If it's early, it can slow down. If it's really early, it can hang out in the station for a few minutes.

Alternatively, maybe I can make a series of 1 hour videos and a shell script that runs on the hour and closes any open video, opens the appropriate video, and plays in full screen. My problem with this vs. the above is that the every-hour syncing will be distracting.

As I said, I'm interested in any ideas, whether off the shelf apps, plugins, command line scripts I can cobble together, or even creating a full app using the appropriate video libraries.

Thanks, James