My .net project needs to use a third party class library written in C++. I have already tried directly adding a reference to this DLL from the project's context menu 'Add a refence...'' but it did not work as I assume this DLL does not implement the COM object model.
What options do I have now? Some suggest to create a .net wrapper around this DLL but I have never done it in the past so I'm looking for an easy introduction with possibly some examples. The closest thing I have done in the past was calling methods from an external library using pInvoke (from win32.dll for instance) but in this case I might also need to wrap native C++ types to their equivalent representation in .net and there might also be some instance variables to be accounted for so I don't know if the pInvoke will be sufficient.
I'd really appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction and please let me know if more information is required.
Many thanks.