I have a VERY complex service host which consists of multiple DUPLEX services here. They provide a bit of common functionality (Connect, Disconnect, KeepAlive, etc...) but besides that they provide very specific functionality each.
All my services inherit from a common base class (abstract).
So, I'm also responsible for a part of the client application and I want to have the administrative bureaucratic handling of connecting, disconnecting, keep alive pinging and reconnects (etc...) handled in a base class so I can observe the DRY principle AND force other developers to NOT implement their own connection handling.
Is there ANY way to have WCF expose the service base class so I can create a common wrapper class for the bureaucratic waste of time in the client application?
I really don't want to see each and every developer of future client components create their own wrapper?
And, if you allow the rant:
Why, why, why is Microsoft so totally negligient towards best practices and basic principles of clean code development? It's the same as with this INotifyPropertyChanged - stuff where one is forced to write masses of unnecessary, repetitive code instead of being provided with a simple attribute for notifying properties...