



I'm currently working on a custom joomla component but I fail to get the component wide parameters to work.

The joomla docs say that if you add

to your 'myComponent.xml' file, the parameter should appear in the _components table. I do see my component but there are no params there.

Is there anything I should know? Or anything I might do wrong?

here is test.xml { myComponent.xml }:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<install type="component" version="1.5.0">


        <files folder="admin">


        <param name="test" type="text" default="" label="test" description="test" />

Make sure you're configuring the params correctly in both places config is needed.

In COMPONENTNAME.xml, you need the block you've got above (although I think only 'name' and 'default' are used here).

Also, in admin/config.xml, you'll need something like:

        <param type="text" name="test" size="30" label="test" description="test" />

You'll then need to make sure there's a way to get to these config options, with this in your 'toolbar.COMPONENTNAME.html.php':


Then, a 'config' button should appear in the toolbar for your component. Only once you save some changes will these parameters appear in the #__components.params field.
