Need to develop a Webserver Monitoring system. There may be Hundreds of webserver running on different servers. This system need to keep monitoring of each webservice at a given interva and update the status in DB.
The current options designed.
Options1: Created class Monitorig it has Method1 which call the webservice dynamically on regular interval say 10 Min. And stores the status(Fail/Success) data to DB.
In a for loop I'm creating a new instance of monitoring class every time and a new Thread.
foreach(int i in idlist)
Monitoring monObj = new Monitoring();
Thread workerT = new Thread(monObj.MonitorWebService);
in the MonitorWebService API there is a infinity for loop which does calling of the given webservice at a given interval as 1 min or 10 min etc. To process this in a regular inverval I'm using EventWaitHandle.WaitOne(T1 * 1000, false) instead of Thread.Sleep(). Here T1 can be 1 min or 1 or 5 hours.
Oprion 2:
in the for loop open a new appdomain with new Name and open a new thread as given below.
foreach(int i in idlist)
string appDNname = WSMonitor + i.ToString();
AppDomain WMSObj = AppDomain.CreateDomain(appDNname);
Type t= typeof(Monitoring);
Monitoring monWSObj = (Monitoring) WMSObj.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetExecuti ngAssembly().FullName, t.FullName);
Thread WorkerT = new Thread(monWSObj.MonitorWebService);
in option2 I'm unloading the AppDomain when the time interval is more then 10 min. And when ever its required loading. I thought option 2 will release resource when its not required and reload when its required.
Which is the best/better approach? Do we have any better solution. A Quick Help is highly appreciated.