



In SSRS, I noticed that the cache files are being stored on my dev machine. Are these files also stored on the Reports Server when reports are run? If so, is there a way to avoid creating those files on the server?

+3  A: files aren't created on the server - they're purely to speed up report execution time during development when you repeatedly run the report with the same parameters whilst tweaking the layout.

As a side point, I believe it's true to say that it's possible to configure the SSRS service to cache results for reuse.

I don't know the details of the caching mechanism that the service uses; it might use a file-based mechanism like, or it might store the results in one of the ReportingServices databases.

Perhaps someone more knowledgable about SSRS can confirm the details of the mechanism.

Ed Harper
@Ed....great info. Thanks! And if anyone would care to comment on the server side service caching configuration....I'd be very interested
I know this is a late comment, but SSRS caching happens inside the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB database.This might provide a starting point for understanding the SSRS caching model: