ActiveRecord is too limiting normally. However, i'm in a difficult situation in terms of the views held by each member of the team in regards to using ORM's. We currently use a very basic ActiveRecord with regret I say is written mostly by hand with some basic generation of code. I would like to build a new DAL for us but avoiding the limitations of ActiveRecord, so DDD more so. The points however I am battling against are (both old skool developers and myself quite young):
Team Lead Developer
- Is in favour of stored procedures, but isn't consistant...some just get a table e.g. SELECT * FROM Company and some get SELECT C.*, O.OtherTableValue FROM Company C...(very frustrating)
- Doesn't really know the benefits of some of the latest ORM tools
- Won't commit to any tool as its "too restrictive" and if there are issues what do you do?
- Doesn't like dynamic SQL
- Doesn't like SELECT *
I'm not saying the above are off limits, its more convicing them otherwise. I belive we could massively improve our efficent with the use of an ORM but its very difficult to convince them otherwise. If I could give proof to some of these areas I might be able to convince them, even by implementing under the covers without them knowing initally and then seeing the benefits.
What advice can you give to help my situation? I believe many developers come across this and cannot choose which architecture they would like to use.