I've written a Powershell script which will compare two databases and come up with a list of objects in one of the databases to remove. I put those items (as a customized object with a name and schema) into an array.
In the next step of my script I iterate through the objects in the database and see if they match an object in my array. If I find a match then I go ahead and drop the object from my database. The problem that I ran into though, was that if I try to drop the object then the collection through which I'm iterating gets changed and I get an error message that the collection changed and IEnumerable won't work when that happens.
I tried to make a copy of collection, but I can't seem to stuff it into an array using the CopyTo method. Any suggestions?
My current code is below. When I run this the array $sprocs is empty.
function DropSQLObjects
param([object]$database, [object]$objectsToDrop)
$sprocs = @()
$database.StoredProcedures.CopyTo($sprocs, 0)
# If I do a $sprocs | out-host I see that the array is still empty
foreach ($objectToDrop in $objectsToDrop)
foreach ($sproc in $sprocs)
if ($sproc.Name -eq $objectToDrop.Name -and $sproc.Schema -eq $objectToDrop.Schema)
LogToSQL $database "Dropped Stored Procedure: $($objectToDrop.Schema).$($objectToDrop.Name)"