



Hello all. I'm trying to include in my XAML some classes which convert values. However, I'm getting the following error when I compile:

Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'View.Summary.Converters' that is not included in the assembly.(View\View)

And the XAML it's erroring on:


Also, here is the outline of my conversion classes/namespace:

namespace View.Summary.Converters
    class CollapsedIfNegative : IValueConverter
    { }

    class VisibleIfNegative : IValueConverter
    { }

    class ErrorCodeToString : IValueConverter
    { }

I had to remove the guts of the code because the project I am working on is highly confidential.


I figured out what was wrong. Although visual studio showed this as the first error, there were indeed other errors with my coding which prevented the converters from being assembled. Thus, when VS went to find the assembly, it was not there.

Adam S