Installing the RODBC package on Ubuntu is a bit of a kludge. First I learned to install the following:
$ sudo apt-get install r-cran-rodbc
That wasn't good enough as the package was still looking for header files. I solved this issue by:
$ sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev
Good, RODBC installed properly on the Ubuntu machine. But when I try to run the following script:
## import excel file from Dropbox
channel <- odbcConnectExcel("~/Dropbox/DATA/SAMPLE/petro.xls")
petro <- sqlFetch (channel, "weekly")
I get an error thrown that function odbcConnectExcel not found. I checked the case of each letter, making sure it was not a simple typo. Nope. Then I ran this same script on a Windows R installation (file path different, of course) and the script works.
Any idea of why Ubuntu R installation cannot find the odbcConnectExcel function and how I can get this to work?