



I am trying to create a Unique Key on a class that includes the foreign key to its parent. However, I get the following error: "Could not determine type for Parent". Below is the class and Fluent NHibernate mapping. I get that it is unable to figure out an SQL type for the Parent class, since it is just a proxy for the ParentFk field, but not sure what more to do to facilitate the translation:


   public class Item : BaseEntity
        #region Properties

        public virtual string ItemNumber { get; set; }

        public virtual Parent Parent { get; set; }

        public virtual long Iteration { get; set; }

        remainder elided....

Mapping Override

public void Override(AutoMapping<Item> mapping)
    mapping.Map(t => t.ItemNumber).UniqueKey("UIX_Item_NaturalKey").Not.Nullable();
    mapping.Map(t => t.Iteration).UniqueKey("UIX_Item_NaturalKey").Not.Nullable();
    mapping.Map(t => t.Parent, "ParentFk").UniqueKey("UIX_Item_NaturalKey").Not.Nullable();

So, is there a way to create a Unique Key that includes a Foreign Key, and, in this case, given that I have the DomainSignature attribute on all of the fields anyway, is it necessary?



Well, based on this post, it seems that the DomainSignature attribute is supposed to enforce uniqueness. However, my experience is that it will not prevent you from saving a duplicate item. The implementaion of Equals only uses the Domain Signature fields for checking equality when both objects are transient, and it definitely doesn't do a look-up in your database to ensure that the object you're about to save isn't already there.


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