I just read a paper on preventing buffer overflow attacks and in that vein, I am looking for a paper or set of papers that will explain the various types of attacks
that programmers and sysadmins have to worry about. Can anyone help? even a keywords to search ACM under.
Sadly, there is no such definitive document, or we could all read it and follow it's guidelines and be safe forever :)
There are a few organisations trying to provide information and guides on specifi areas, one of them is OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page which has lots of good information, and a Top Ten list that contains the most common subset of attacks.
There is also CERT and OSVDB and many more (if anyone wants to make a definitive list of the websites, feel free to edit this post and add some.
Noon Silk
2010-08-07 06:26:29
thanks for such a quick answer. Though, I doubt that simply knowing about the various types of attacks would be sufficient to make all code safe. also, [this](http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Attack) is almost exactly what I was looking for, so thanks again
2010-08-07 06:27:37