



A HTML5 <button> in Mobile Safari seems to have fixed, unchangeable left and right padding. Here's a demo plus how it looks in Safari 5 and iOS4.

How can I get rid of that padding?

+2  A: 

As long as you don't need the native control button look, and are OK doing your own style in CSS, just add -webkit-appearance: none, and you should get full control over the element.

You could also try -webkit-appearance: button or -webkit-appearance: pushbutton to try to get the default styling, too.

You can see some of these at work here.

David Kaneda
Very clever solution that *should* have worked. But I tried that already – no dice.
Matthew Robertson
+1  A: 

I've overcome this problem by wrapping <button> contents in a <div> like so...


or by using jQuery and adding the following to a script...


...and including the following styles to the page

button { padding: 0; }
button > div { margin: 0 -1em; padding: 0.4em 0.8em; }

Note that you can change the inner div's padding to suit your needs. Also note that this will only work with <button> elements and not <input type="button"> or related elements as they cannot contain child elements.

A negative margin works? OK. I hoped it didn't have to come to that, but it works, I guess. Thanks.
Matthew Robertson

After messing around with the buttons for a week I dumped them and now I use div-s instead. If you add display: inline-block; to the div-button it can also be centered like a button.
