



Hi, I am doing some classification and I am not sure:

INT is a primitive datatype with keyword "int"

But I can use Int16,Int32 or Int64 - I know C# has its own names for them. But are those data types as well or it is still INT? And mainly, can we say "short" is a datatype or INT16 is a datatype? Thanks :)

+4  A: 

In C#, the following things are always true:

  • short == Int16
  • ushort == UInt16
  • int == Int32
  • uint == UInt32
  • long == Int64
  • ulong == UInt64

Both versions are data types. All of the above are integers of various lengths and signed-ness.

The main difference between the two versions (as far as I know) is what colour they are highlighted as in Visual Studio.

Mike Caron
The color is probably related to whether they are keywords. So you could probably name a variable `Int32`, but not `int`.
The difference is that the left column contains native C# names, which are preferable. The exception is that calls to static methods and properties of these classes, which should be to the CLR names.
Steven Sudit
@Philipp Ah, this is true. I didn't think about that. Not that you should ever name a variable Int32! ;)
Mike Caron
@Philipp: Perhaps you could, but I wouldn't!
Steven Sudit
@Steven don't forget, `typeof(int)` is Int32, and it will show up as such in stack traces, etc. So it's still good know.
Mike Caron
@Mike: Totally agreed.
Steven Sudit
all the types in the left columns are just aliases for the types in the right column! The only difference between the usage of these types is syntactical. The types on the left are there to make the programmers lives easier.
@Philipp: You can still use `int` as a name, you just need to prefix it with @ - for example: `int @int = 0;`. The name is still `int`. I wouldn't recommend this though :)
Jon Skeet
+2  A: 

short is a data type representing 16-bit integers (1 order below int, which is 32-bit).

Int16 is in fact also a data type and is synonymous with short. That is,


also returns a short, same as:


Same goes with Int32 for int and Int64 for long.

+2  A: 

In C#, int is just a shorter way of saying System.Int32.

In .NET, even the primitive data types are actually objects (derived from System.Object).

So an int in C# = an Integer in VB.Net = System.Int32.

there's a chart of all the .NET data types here:

This is part of the .NET Common Type System that allows seamless interoperability between .NET languages.

David Stratton
"In .NET, even the primitive data types are actually object" are you sure about this? I always thought of primitives as not derived from object, and converting from and to object requires boxing and unboxing (which the c# compiler hides from you, but still happens at IL level. The old managed c++ (before c++/CLI) made it explicit using __box and __unbox or something similar)
Ben Schwehn
@Ben: That's Java. In .NET, value types may be *stored* unboxed, but they still logically derive from `System.Object`, so they can always be used where an `Object` is required. And, yes, this does mean they get automatically boxed, with the boxed version being explicitly derived from `Object`.
Steven Sudit
I think you are both right. Behind the scenes, int is generally a 4-byte piece of memory, but logically it's a struct derived from object, and the necessary automatic boxing happens to maintain that appearance. So really, whether or not it's an object depends on the conceptual level you are talking about.
Jon Hanna
So I checked Richter's CLR via C# and I think what's happening is: all value types derive from System.ValueType and System.ValueType itself derives from System.Object. So saying that all primitives are objects is indeed correct! ValueTypes are allocated on the stack. Boxing allocates the necessary memory on the heap plus two additional fields (type object pointer and sync block index) required by objects on the heap and then copies the ValueType into the newly allocated heap memory. Boxing does not happen automatically, but the c# compiler inserts the IL code required for boxing automatically
Ben Schwehn it's all objects, but objects on the stack behave different than objects on the heap. So the difference is not in "things that derive from object" versus "things that do not derive from object" but "stack" versus "heap". IIRC c++/CLI allows putting arbitrary objects (i.e. not objects not derived from ValueType) on the stack.
Ben Schwehn
Wow... This is a lot of discussion on a point that's covered in almost every intro to .Net book and article I've ever read, not to mention, it's covered in the official documentation, which I linked to initially. (Click on the link to the Common Type system in my answer, and then follow the first link. It points here: where it clearly describes everything you're talking about and backs up my short answer.
David Stratton

What hasn't been mentioned in any of the other answers is the value type System.IntPtr, whose bit width is platform-specific; e.g. on a 32-bit system, it is 32 bits wide, while on a 64-bit system, it is 64 bits wide.

That being said, from all I can gather this type is not meant to actually be used in place of any of the other int types; its main use probably lies with P/Invoke-ing to the underlying system API, where it's normally used for holding pointers.
