I have just finished my first diagram in Tikz. It looks as I wanted it to, but am unhappy with how I have 'coded' it:
[node distance=14mm,
item/.style={rounded corners,rectangle,
minimum width=20mm, minimum height=10mm}]
\node[item,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20] (stack) {1394 Stack};
\node[item,left=of stack,draw=green!50,fill=green!20,yshift=-9mm] (app1) {Application};
\node[item,left=of stack,draw=green!50,fill=green!20,yshift=9mm] (app2) {Application};
\node[item,right=of stack,draw=orange!50,fill=orange!20] (ohci) {OHCI};
\node[item,right=of ohci,yshift=-15mm,draw=yellow!70,fill=yellow!35] (dev1) {Device};
\node[item,right=of ohci,yshift=0mm,draw=yellow!70,fill=yellow!35] (dev2) {Device};
\node[item,right=of ohci,yshift=15mm,draw=yellow!70,fill=yellow!35] (dev3) {Device};
\draw[thick] (app1) -- (stack)
(app2) -- (stack)
(stack) -- (ohci)
(ohci) -- (dev1)
(ohci) -- (dev2)
(ohci) -- (dev3);
\node[xshift=7mm,yshift=1mm] (topUser) at (app1.east |- dev3.north) {};
\node[xshift=7mm,yshift=-1mm,label=above left:User space] (botUser) at (app1.east |- dev1.south) {};
\draw[dashed] (topUser) -- (botUser);
\node[xshift=7mm,yshift=1mm] (topKern) at (stack.east |- dev3.north) {};
\node[xshift=7mm,yshift=-1mm,label=above left:Kernel space,
label=above right:Hardware\phantom{p}] (botKern) at (stack.east |- dev1.south) {};
\draw[dashed] (topKern) -- (botKern);
The things which I am uncomfortable with are:
How I have manually moved the "Application" and "Device" nodes using yshift
to space them apart from one another; I am sure that there must be a more elegant way of producing a simple tree-like structure
The lines (topKern -- botKern
and topUser -- botUser
) going from the top of the picture to the bottom; these are manually aligned on the x-axis to be between two nodes using xshift=7mm
My use of \phantom{p}
to ensure the label "Hardware" has the same baseline as the other two labels.