



I am using Dynamic Data with Linq to SQL, and have two tables: Team and TeamMember.

From the user's perspective, its a simple one-to-many relationship, but on the database, a many-to many table sits between them, recording on which dates a member belonged to a team, using From- and To dates.

How do I add a Team dropdown filter on the List template for the members? Such a filter would simply list the members for the picked team, according to today's date.

I have tried the Dynamic Data Futures project, but am still stuck.

Is it worth redoing the project with Entity Framework instead of Linq to SQL?

Thanks for any help!

+1  A:

check out this post

Thanks kiran, nice reference.Does not quite fit the scope of the question, but I should be able to adapt that sample to fit my needs, so will mark that as answer.
Leon van der Walt