




I am new to UML. I have found the signs to show different access modifiers in UML. Like

+ is for Public
     - is for Private
     # is for Proctected
     ~ is for Internal

But in the ref text there is no sign for Protected Internal. I guess it should be #~. Let me know if its correct or not.

+3  A: 

I am afraid, that there are no special symbols for that, since "internal" keyword is specific to c#, while UML was developed as universal mark up language. However you can agree on some sign within your company.

Boris Modylevsky
+2  A: 

Not a beautiful solution, but you could also (ab)use a stereotype for it which you'd apply to the attributes/methods.

+1  A: 

you have to extend UML you have four have 4 path to do that. 1) stereotypes (the best one IMHO) 2) UML properties 3) tagged values 4) profiles

imho too, your design is too close to your code, are you sure you need that?

regards, mike from http://case-tools.org
