Hi. is there any quick solution to restrict access to one node (page) with a captcha module (or some other, similar way)?
If you mean to allow a user to access a node if he passes a CAPTCHA, then there isn't any module for that.
If I understood what you mean, the module should present a CAPTCHA, and if the answer is correct, then the node should be shown.
You can create a custom module using the CAPTCHA module.
2010-08-08 11:30:43
That's exactly what im looking for.. Argh not good, i wish writing custom module wasn't necessary ;)
2010-08-08 11:48:29
I would suggest to create a custom module; this would avoid to use PHP filter in nodes content, or to <code>eval()</code> PHP code. In example, on drupal.org the PHP input format is never used, and the dynamic content generated for some pages is handled by a module of [Drupal.org customizations](http://drupal.org/project/drupalorg). There is always some customization required from a site that needs custom code; a custom module is, IMO, the better solution.
2010-08-08 12:17:57