We currently have a software which is based on PHP and lighttpd. For it to work there need to be some packages installed etc. In our company we have diffenrent kinds of servers "API Server" and "Webfrontend servers" both require some dependencies f.e. php5.3 has to be installed from dotdeb. Since we will at some point hopefully have a bunch of webservers and api servers I am thinking whether it would be a good idea to build a deb package which will install all dependencies and set up the lighttpd server and php. Do you think thats a good idea or should I write a bash file which basically does this? Is a deb file just that? I can't seem to find information on that. It will only be company internal but I want to be able to set up a new VM (all have the same specs) in a jiffy.
TL;DR: Are deb packages for internal use a good idea? Also can I let a deb package setup programms like I want them to be?