




Hi i am implementing a web application for a company, i would like to use the rich text editor distributed by ckeditor.com to allow the users to modify the content of some web pages

Can I use it or I am going to break any law?



You can use anything produced with one of those licenses freely. Don't worry.

They have different restrictions on what you can do if you take the source code and produce your own software using that source as part of it, none of which affect just using the product. If you publish the actual software you are producing, then it affects you, if you are just producing the website for yourself or a client, then the license doesn't affect you.

It can get trickier in the case where you produce the software, and then try to sell it to clients, in which case you may need to read the fine print and either open your own source, or obtain it through the closed license they offer.

Jon Hanna