



Using Linq to Sql how do i group the following 2 tables.

Orders Table:

CustomerID | Name   |Date            
1          | order1 | 2010-01-01  
2          | order2 | 2010-01-01
2          | order3 | 2010-04-01

Calls Table:

CustomerID | Name   |Date            
1          | call1 | 2010-01-01  
3          | call2 | 2010-06-01
2          | call3 | 2010-05-01

I want to group the two tables by date , Result:

Date       | Orders | Calls
2010-01-01 | 2      | 1
2010-04-01 | 1      | 0
2010-05-01 | 0      | 1
2010-06-01 | 0      | 1

i know how to group a single table ,

from o in Orders        
group o by o.Date.Date into og
select new {Date = og.Key,Orders= og.Count()};

how do i group both? thx!

+5  A: 

Since both tables seem to have a similar structure I'd recommend projecting both into an equivalent form and then group on the concatenation of those two sets.

var orders = from o in Orders 
            select new { IsOrder = true, o.Date };
var calls = from c in Calls 
            select new { IsOrder = false, c.Date };

var result = from x in orders.Concat(calls)        
            group x by x.Date into og
            select new {Date = og.Key, Orders= og.Count(o=>o.IsOrder), Calls = og.Count(c=>!c.IsTrue)};

Due to the lazy nature of Linq2Sql this might actually be reduced to a single query. In the interest of performance I would make sure this is not a query from hell.

Johannes Rudolph
can you give me an example please?
thx! , i was hoping i could use regular linq/sql commands , i wasn't thinking about concating the two tables. would you do the same if this was plain TSQL?
In TSQL I'd use a full outer join, but this is not easy in L2S, I hope the solution I provided is simpler than writing a full outer join. Just search SO if you want more information on how to use a FOJ in Linq.
Johannes Rudolph
i searched , and it is complex. :(
maybe i just use TSQL?
what's so bad about my solution?
Johannes Rudolph
Actually i will use it , thank for the efforts :)it just generates a really long/complex T-SQL query , i was hoping for something simpler , isn't my request a really common scenario?

You can use the Union method:

    var result =
        (from c in Calls group c by c.Date into cg select new {Date = cg.Key, Calls = cg.Count(), Orders = 0})
        .Union(from o in Orders group o by o.Date into og select new {Date = og.Key, Calls = 0, Orders = og.Count()})
        .GroupBy(x => x.Date)
        .Select(g => new {Date = g.Key, Calls = g.Max(r => r.Calls), Orders = g.Max(r => r.Orders)});

    foreach (var row in result)

This is very similar to the SQL you would write (a union of the two tables, and then an outer query to merge the results into a row)

Shaun McCarthy
thxthats really similar to "Johannes Rudolph" answer.
Yeah, but it is more likely to result in a single SQL statement. Best to put them both in and look at the debugger :)
Shaun McCarthy
im getting "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists" , think that if tables have different dates query will fail