So, for a bit of background : This class is created to accept and respond to calls made remotely in an HTTP format.
The problem is when the method of the request is POST, sometimes the request is processed correctly, but most of the times the class just ends up being irresponsive. Also, the line "Debug1" and "Debug2" are never written to the console, even when the request is processed correctly. The line "Debug3" appears only when the request is processed correctly.
I know this will probably look messy, C# is only a hobby for me, and I'm learning :) Thanks for spending some time to go through this code!
Here is the code:
class WebServer
private TcpListener myListener;
public WebServer(int port)
//Threading the listener
myListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port) ;
Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartListen));
th.Start() ;
catch(Exception e)
Logs.Add("WebServer|An Exception Occurred while Listening :" +e.ToString());
private void StartListen()
int iStartPos = 0;
string sHttpVersion;
string sResponse = "";
string sCode = " 200 OK";
//Accept a new connection
Socket mySocket = myListener.AcceptSocket();
Byte[] bReceive = new Byte[1024];
int i = mySocket.Receive(bReceive,bReceive.Length,SocketFlags.None);
string sBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceive).TrimEnd('\0');
iStartPos = sBuffer.IndexOf("HTTP",1);
sHttpVersion = sBuffer.Substring(iStartPos,8); //http version (ex: "HTTP/1.1")
if (sBuffer.StartsWith("GET / "))
Logs.Add("WebServer|Connected:" + mySocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());
sResponse = ArrayToJson();
else if (sBuffer.StartsWith("POST"))
//This is a POST request, so more data is waiting to be retreived...
bReceive = new Byte[2048];
i = mySocket.Receive(bReceive,bReceive.Length,SocketFlags.None);
sBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceive).TrimEnd('\0');
//Parsing the request
string[] sParams = sBuffer.Split(',');
Console.WriteLine("Debug3: {0} - {1} - {2} - {3} - {4}", sParams[0], sParams[1], sParams[2], sParams[3], sParams[4]);
//I do what needs to be done here
Logs.Add("WebServer|BotStartRequest:" + mySocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());
sResponse = "Accepted";
//Sending response and closing socket
SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "text/html", sResponse.Length, sCode, ref mySocket);
SendToBrowser(sResponse, ref mySocket);