I've used this approach before, both saving IronPython scripts in a database and in files. The pattern I like is to store Python functions with names known by convention. In other words, if you are processing an object of type Foo, you might have a Python function named "foo_filter" in your .py file or table. Ultimately, you can execute a Python file and parse out the functions into a dictionary of function references.
A quick sample app...
Your foo class:
public class Foo {
public string Bar { get; set; }
Setting up Foo and calling getPythonFunc(i);
var items = new List<Foo>() {
new Foo() { Bar = "connecticut" },
new Foo() { Bar = "new york" },
new Foo() { Bar = "new jersey" }
items.ForEach((i) => { getPythonFunc(i); Console.WriteLine(i.Bar); });
A quick and dirty getPythonFun implementation... The ScriptXXX object graph should obviously be cached, as should the variables retrieved by GetVariable().
static void getPythonFunc(Foo foo) {
ScriptRuntimeSetup setup = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration();
ScriptRuntime runtime = new ScriptRuntime(setup);
ScriptEngine engine = runtime.GetEngine("IronPython");
ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
engine.ExecuteFile("filter.py", scope);
var filterFunc = scope.GetVariable("filter_item");
scope.Engine.Operations.Invoke(filterFunc, foo);
The contents of filter.py:
def filter_item(item):
item.Bar = item.Bar.title()
A simple way to apply rules based on a property (not the addition of the Size property on Foo):
var items = new List<Foo>() {
new Foo() { Bar = "connecticut", Size = "Small" },
new Foo() { Bar = "new york", Size = "Large" },
new Foo() { Bar = "new jersey", Size = "Medium" }
Change the line in getPythonFun() that calls ScriptScope's GetVariable():
var filterFunc = scope.GetVariable("filter_" + foo.Size.ToLower());
And the new contents of filter.py
def filter_small(item):
item.Bar = item.Bar.lower()
def filter_medium(item):
item.Bar = item.Bar.title()
def filter_large(item):
item.Bar = item.Bar.upper()
I have a bunch of more complete samples available at http://www.codevoyeur.com/Articles/Tags/ironpython.aspx.