



I've narrowed down my learning resources to the following:

  • SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform (APress)
  • Professional SharePoint 2010 Development (WROX)
  • AppDev Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Developers Vol 1

Would you recommend getting one of those books or video training before knowing C# in depth? I'd like to get up to speed with MOSS 2010 as soon as possible, and if I could learn C# along the way by reading SharePoint 2010 book it would be ideal.

Oh as for my experience, I am a beginner java developer. There are a lot of similarities between C#, but things like collections, lists, generics, lambdas, data binding is something I am not familiar at all.

So...should I read the book on C# first or would I be fine if I go straight into SharePoint 2010 development?

+2  A: 

Start with C# for sure.

Have a look at C# for Java developers resources.

+2  A: 

I would focus on learning SharePoint development techniques and writing some "hello world" type apps while referencing unfamiliar programming topics as needed. But it depends on your own style.

+1  A: 

With a background in Java, you would probably pick up enough C# while reading a SharePoint book. Fact is, as far as SharePoint development goes, you'll use XML more frequently than C#. And even then, instead of reading a general C# book, I would read a book that covers ASP.NET (focusing on pages and user controls) or LINQ. When learning .NET, it isn't the language that is difficult, it's the all the framework classes. It's the reason the .NET Rocks podcast has a Better-Know-a-Framework segment instead of Better-Know-a-C#.

Rich Bennema
Definitely go over the ASP.NET lifecycle. This was/is probably the most confusing part.
Kit Menke