



What is in your opinion the best book to learn Zend Framework in depth?

+1  A: 

Zend Framework in Action (2009) is what I used. One of the authors (Rob Allen) also have samples on a website. I recommend the book.

Of course, a lot of the sample code in the book has errors in it. Possibly there are better books out now, but it was the first (and only) book I bought on ZF. It was better than nothing, and got me started.
Robin Canaday
+1  A: 

Although no book can be termed as best, this one seems to be a good bet:

Zend Framework In Action

alt text

+2  A: 

I Would recommend the "online book" Suviving The Deep End! The printed books arent uptodate with the new features of Zend Framework (like Zend_Application, Zend_Tool..)

Zend Framework Surviving the Deep End!

Excellent post! Thanks... The only problem is: How frequently is it updated???
Christian Cabizza
@Christian This book teaches the way of thinking, for the details you have ZF Manual
+1  A: 

I recommend Apress Pro Zend Framework: Build a Full CMS Project. Most other Zend framework books are very basic. This one goes beyond the basics, that's what I liked about it.
